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Welcome to Lil-Lets Blogs, a hub for informed learning, understanding & support

At Lil-Lets, we firmly believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our blog page has been crafted to provide you with the information, you need to understand your body and the changes you may go through, allowing you to make empowered choices about what works for you, at every stage of life.

In the journey of demystifying myths and tackling taboos, we recognize the strength in shared experiences. Our commitment to inclusive representation is at the forefront, and we understand that diverse perspectives play a crucial role in challenging misconceptions. Lil-Lets is a space for everyone who experiences menstruation, fostering a community that thrives on understanding and support.

What would you like to know?

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Emotional Changes During Puberty

Ok, so you’ve got a lot going on right now! You’re juggling the hormonal and physical changes of puberty with so many other things: school, family, friends, dating… that’s a lot.

Puberty Advice For Teens How To Prepare For And Deal With Puberty

From raging hormones to changing bodies, puberty can be a rollercoaster ride. Here’s everything you need to know about puberty and tips to handle it with confidence.

Are Periods Painful?

Period pain sucks, period. Nobody wants it, and yet a ton of us are reduced to grumbling messes 12 or so times a year. Periods are different for everyone, so let’s help you evaluate your period pain.

How To Use A Tampon

To insert a tampon, gently guide the rounded tip into your vaginal opening, angling slightly towards your lower back until it feels comfortable. Whether you’re new to tampons, or just looking for some helpful tips, our step-by-step guide has you covered.

What Is Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic Shock Syndrome, or TSS, is one of those conditions that many of us have heard of, but few people know a lot about. We know that it's incredibly rare, and in truth, TSS is a dangerous illness that can sometimes even be fatal.

Endometriosis And Periods

The symptoms of normal period pain and endometriosis can be very similar, and when both conditions cause pain, it can be difficult to tell the two apart!

Written by Endometriosis UK.

Mental Health & Endometriosis

Written by Endometriosis UK.

Having endometriosis can impact mental health and wellbeing. Discover the link between endometriosis and mental health and learn how to manage the challenges.

Managing Endometriosis & Heavy Periods

Discover how to manage heavy bleeding with endometriosis. We’ve got practical tips and insight into different treatment options to help manage this troublesome symptom.

Written By Endometriosis UK.

Endometriosis Flare Ups

Endometriosis flare-ups are bursts of intense endometriosis symptoms. Increased pain is the most common symptom and flare-ups can be debilitating and unexpected. Find out about managing flare-ups and discover tips for symptom relief.

Written by Endometriosis UK