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Welcome to Lil-Lets Blogs, a hub for informed learning, understanding & support

At Lil-Lets, we firmly believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our blog page has been crafted to provide you with the information, you need to understand your body and the changes you may go through, allowing you to make empowered choices about what works for you, at every stage of life.

In the journey of demystifying myths and tackling taboos, we recognize the strength in shared experiences. Our commitment to inclusive representation is at the forefront, and we understand that diverse perspectives play a crucial role in challenging misconceptions. Lil-Lets is a space for everyone who experiences menstruation, fostering a community that thrives on understanding and support.

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Top Read Articles

Vaginal Dryness and Discharge In Menopause

Your vaginal health is just as important pre and post menopause, but what changes should you expect?

How To Talk To Your Family About The Menopause

The menopause and perimenopause can be such a rollercoaster, and it’s hard when the people around you don’t quite get it. It’s not just mood swings and hot flashes; it’s a whole shift in how you feel physically and emotionally.

How To Cope Post-Menopause

Reaching post-menopause should be a liberating experience, no more having to think about periods or even contraception. And even though you might still feel a little low, we hope you’re over the worst of those perimenopausal symptoms – what a nightmare that was!

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Want to know what's in Lil-Lets products? We've broken it all down for you here.

Advice For Teens Sex And Sexual Feelings

Now you’re well into puberty you may start experiencing new physical feelings and finding yourself attracted to a certain someone… 

Understanding Breast Development During Puberty

Breast development is one of the first signs of puberty in girls, but you may not know what to expect. From breast buds to breasts, we’ve uncovered the different stages of development for you.

History Of Tampons Who Invented Tampons

Have you ever wondered who invented tampons? Discover the unique history of tampons and how they shape period care for women and people around the world.

Can You Flush A Tampon

Many of us have considered flushing a tampon before, but you have to think of the consequences too. Find out if you can flush a tampon and how to dispose of one.

Bladder Leaks And Understanding Bladder Weakness

Bladder weakness is a common experience, especially for pregnant people. Find out how to manage bladder leaks, AKA incontinence, and take back control.