Be You Period
There’s no such thing as one ‘right’ way to deal with your period. There’s only what works for you and your unique body. Find out more about our #BeYouPeriod campaign.
Menstrual Cycle Phases
Whether your period is like clockwork or a little irregular, menstruation is unique for everyone. Discover the 4 menstrual cycle phases and how to manage them.
Vaginal Discharge And How To Deal With It
Learn all about discharge, different colour discharge, and what to do when you get discharge to stay confident all day.
Common Period Myths In South Africa
Ready to bust some myths about periods? Self-proclaimed Minister of Menstruation, Candice Chirwa, is here to help.
Intimate Hygiene
Yes, your vulva is normal! Here are your top intimate hygiene questions answered.
Understanding Irregular Periods
If you find yourself wondering "what does irregular period mean?", then visit Lil-Lets' website for more information on all things menstrual cycle!
Handling Periods At Night
Whether you’re tossing and turning or lying in the foetal position, chances are your sleep is affected when on your period. Here’s some advice.
Heavy Periods And How To Deal With It
There’s menstruation, and then there’s menorrhagia, which is defined by having substantial blood loss in every monthly cycle. There's a huge difference and it's important to understand in case you may be suffering.
PMS PMDD And Period Mood Swings
It’s normal to experience menstrual mood swings for up to two weeks before you start your period. However, they shouldn’t be ruling your life and affecting your daily activities.