Your First Bra And How To Choose A Starter Bra
One of the biggest decisions you make as a teenager is choosing your first starter bra. Here’s everything you need to know on how to measure your bra size.
Bra Fitting Problems - A Guide For Teens?
Have you been measured for your first bra and now don’t feel like it fits quite right! Read on for our guide to the perfect fit!
What Is Discharge, And Is It Normal?
About 6-12 months before your first period you may start to notice discharge, but what is it, why do we have it and is it normal!
How do I tell someone I think my period is coming?
The idea of talking to someone about periods can feel pretty awkward. But trust us, once you’ve had the chat you will feel so much better.
My First Period
Your first period is a big step, and it’s totally normal to have questions about it. Here’s everything you need to know to feel prepared and confident:
How To Prepare For Your First Period
Preparing for your period: How to Cope With PMS, period pain, and irregular Bleeding.
Pads vs Liners
Confused about whether you need a pad or a liner, we've got the lowdown on what product best suits your needs.
How To Use Pads
If you’re new to periods and wondering how to use pads in the most comfortable and secure way, you’re in the right place! Pads are a great way to manage your period, and with just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to wear them with confidence.
Why do we need braces?
Ever wondered what you might have in common with Angelina Jolie or Beyoncé…? Well braces is the answer! If you have them or are soon to be fitted with them, you’re in good company with celebrities now rushing to their dentist for this most unlikely of accessories