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Welcome to Lil-Lets Blogs, a hub for informed learning, understanding & support

At Lil-Lets, we firmly believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our blog page has been crafted to provide you with the information, you need to understand your body and the changes you may go through, allowing you to make empowered choices about what works for you, at every stage of life.

In the journey of demystifying myths and tackling taboos, we recognize the strength in shared experiences. Our commitment to inclusive representation is at the forefront, and we understand that diverse perspectives play a crucial role in challenging misconceptions. Lil-Lets is a space for everyone who experiences menstruation, fostering a community that thrives on understanding and support.

What would you like to know?

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The Lil-Lets Friendship Guide

Friendships during puberty can be challenging. At Lil-Lets, we understand the importance of having supportive friends during this time of change. That's why we've created a guide to help you navigate these special relationships and overcome any misunderstandings that may happen.

First Kisses & First Dates

Do you hold hands, hug or even kiss on the first date?

Lactational Mastitis – Causes, Symptoms And Ways To Treat & Prevent It.

So, your breast-feeding journey seems to be going well and your baby is latching on fabulously, and then out of nowhere and without warning, you start to notice a change in the way your breasts feel and look.

How Will I Know If I Have A Low Milk Supply?

If you’re a breastfeeding mum, you may worry that your baby isn’t getting enough milk from you or that you’re actually not making enough. It’s totally natural to feel this way, especially at the start of your breastfeeding journey, but rest assured that in most cases your baby WILL be getting enough milk from you to satisfy their hunger.

Breastfeeding Positions – Finding What Works For You!

When it comes to finding the right breastfeeding positions for you and your baby, only you will know what feels most comfortable. What works for one mum and their baby may not feel right to another!  So, we’re here to help you find what works for you by taking you through our top tips for nursing comfortably and the different breastfeeding positions you can try.

Your First Bra And How To Choose A Starter Bra

Want to buy your first bra but don't know where to start? Read our handy guide to measuring and choosing your first bra!