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Our Sustainability Statement

Here at Lil-Lets we’ve been quietly educating ourselves on the importance of sustainability and what that means for us.

Lil-Lets purpose is to inspire and empower women and people with periods to bravely be themselves and choose what works for them. We believe now more than ever that brands have a social and environmental responsibility and in order to live our values of individuality, understanding and integrity we want do better, now and in the future.

Unlike other brands, we do not intend to make a grand promise that we ‘might’ fulfil by 2051. We believe that continuous improvement is key to sustainability, so there’s no end point because becoming more sustainable is a journey and one we are committed to. As a result, Lil-Lets is taking the ‘small but real steps’ approach, ensuring our actions add up to big changes in the future.

To achieve our ambitions, we have focused our energy on 3 key areas - Our People, Our Planet and Our Communities

Our People: Ensuring our employees have opportunities to grow both personally and professionally

Here at Lil-Lets we feel passionately about supporting and championing wellness for all, including both mental and physical wellbeing. We’re also looking to promote diversity and inclusiveness, pushing ourselves to be better in these areas.

Our Planet: Caring about our impact on the environment and making changes to reduce it

Our main focus right now is plastic reduction, from our products and packaging to our supply chain as a whole. We’re also looking to promote responsible disposal; you’ll have seen the logos on our pack.

Our Communities: Encouraging social change to make a difference to the lives of women and people with periods

Lil-Lets wants to earn the right to operate in our communities by upholding our responsibility to society. We believe that education is imperative to enabling women and people with periods to live their lives with equal voice, representation and access to the products they need.

In the sustainability section of this website you’ll find more information on the initiatives we’re currently working on and how they feed into these pillars. We’re looking forward to facing the challenges and celebrating the successes on our journey to becoming better.

We’re open and honest and we’d like you to be as well. If there’s any questions or feedback or you think you could help us in any way we’d love to hear from you on consumerrelations@lil-lets.com.


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