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Lil-Lets Talk Community Guidelines

Lil-Lets Talk Community Guidelines

When you join Lil-Lets Talk, you’re joining a community for people with periods, by people with periods. Lil-Lets Talk exists to create a safe space for empowering conversations that help normalise menstruation and help its members to confidently make the choices that work for them.

This space embodies the essence of Lil-Lets to allow people to be who they are, confidently.

To do this, we have some basic ground rules for how to interact, that are good for all of us. By becoming a Lil-Lets Talk member, it means you share these values and want to connect with others who do too. Members whose actions are not in line with our community guidelines, may be removed from the platform.

Be kind. Talking about our periods and our bodies takes a lot of courage. So be compassionate, welcoming and a nice human being.

Be open-minded and respectful. We all come from different backgrounds, cultures, and religions. In Lil-Lets Talk, we do not enforce our opinions on others or judge each other’s actions. This is not a space for arguments or mean-spiritedness.

Be honest. Sharing our honest experiences can help others who are struggling with the same thing.

Don’t mislead others or perpetuate myths, taboos and stigma. Lil-Lets Talk conversations are grounded in facts, and help counter negative social norms that prevent people with periods from understanding their bodies and menstruation.

Lil-Lets Talk moderators reserve the right to remove any content that is:

  • Abusive, defamatory, obscene, fear-mongering or factually incorrect
  • In any way offensive
  • Irrelevant to the subject matter of the community
  • Fraudulent, deceptive or misleading
  • A violation of intellectual property or privacy rights of others
  • A violation of any law or regulation
  • Makes references to third parties or websites that aren’t aligned with the Lil-Lets Talk values.

By engaging and sharing on Lil-Lets Talk, you are agreeing to allow us to use the content you post in other ways that may help with our mission to empower people with periods. In so doing, we will never violate your privacy.

Lil-Lets Talk is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide or substitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Members should always consult a doctor or appropriate medical professional should they have a medical condition or emergency.

Views expressed by Lil-Lets Talk Moderators and Responders are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Lil-Lets.

Lil-Lets Talk is an undertaking by Lil-Lets to normalise menstruation and empower menstruators to make the choices that work for them - confidently.

It’s about tapping into the collective knowledge and experiences of people with periods throughout South Africa, to help each other navigate different life stages by speaking more openly about the things society too often tells us to be quiet about – from first periods, to discharge, PMS, pregnancy, birth and even menopause.

We want to help people by giving them a safe space where they can ask other people with periods the questions they’ve been too embarrassed or ashamed to ask. Not everyone has a mom, sister or friend they can talk to.

So on Lil-Lets Talk, they can connect to an entire community of people with periods, unlocking the power of shared experience.



Lil-lets Talk Responders are trusted members of Lil-Lets Talk who volunteer to answer member questions on the platform, based on their personal experience.

They are people with periods who embody the values we want to inspire through Lil-Lets Talk. They are passionate about having open, honest conversations, and are comfortable sharing their experiences with others.

Being a Lil-Lets Talk Responder means they are:

  • Period proud. They don't shy away from honest conversations about the menstrual cycle, and make others more comfortable doing so in the process.
  • Clued up. They are open minded and well-informed on the subject matter they engage on. They don’t try to offer answers to questions they don’t personally have experience with or knowledge of.
  • Non-judgmental. They respect the cultural and religious views of others, while empowering people to better understand their bodies.
  • Supportive and empathetic. They put themselves in the shoes of others, and approach all conversations with kindness and the intention to help and support.
  • Not trying to be a doctor or a psychologist. They don't present themselves as having all the answers. They know when to direct users to get professional medical advice, or seek professional help, and you stick to the subject matter you are comfortable with. NB: They do not give medical advice or opinion-based advice without the necessary qualifications.
  • Not trying to enforce their opinion on others. They believe in empowering others to make the choices that work for them - even if they differ from their own.
  • Comfortable with the Lil-Lets Talk Community Guidelines and understand that their answers will be moderated and may be rejected if they are factually incorrect or violate the platform guidelines in any way. (Note: Responders who repeatedly violate the guidelines may be removed from their role)

Lil-Lets Talk Responders do not:

  • Publish or use the personal information of users.
  • 'Speak for' Lil-Lets.
  • Make any members feel like their views or experiences aren’t valid (unless in violation of Community Guidelines).
  • Provide medical advice and/or opinion based advice without the relevant qualifications and experience.

NOTE: Lil-Lets reserves the right to disable the accounts of Responders who are inactive for more than 60 days. In such cases, their profiles will be changed to member profiles.

Updated: 6th November 2020

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