Figure out how to talk to your daughter about her period, from the ideal age for the period talk to the best products for teens.
Puberty is a big milestone, and for many girls, that includes getting their first period. It’s a completely natural part of growing up, but it can also bring up lots of questions—for both your child and you as a parent!
There’s no perfect time to talk about periods, but since some girls start as early as 8, it’s helpful to introduce the topic sooner rather than later. Instead of one big conversation, think of it as an open, ongoing discussion.
Look for natural moments—like when your child asks about puberty, pregnancy, or sees period products in the store.
Keep the chats short and stick to one subject so they do not become too overwhelmed.
Children are never too young to learn how their bodies work, so don’t fixate on what age for period talks is best and rather empower them with knowledge early on.
Explaining menstrual cramps to your daughter can be done in a gentle and understanding way, helping her feel supported as she navigates this new experience. Here's a simple explanation you can use:
Even before a first period she might feel some cramps or pain in her tummy, lower back, or even legs. Let her know that even though this may be frightening at first, this is completely normal, and it's something many girls and women experience.
When the body has its period, the muscles in the tummy (the uterus) start to tighten and release to help get rid of the lining that’s no longer needed.
Sometimes, these muscles tighten too much, which can cause cramping or discomfort, a bit like how muscles feel sore after exercise, just in a different way.
Some girls experience mood swings, bloating, cramps, or breakouts before their period. Reassure her that this is normal and share simple ways to feel better, like using a hot water bottle, getting some light exercise, and eating well-balanced meals.
Remember, that it okay for her to feel uncomfortable, and it’s okay to ask for help if she needs it.
Most schools teach about periods, but having a chat beforehand means she won’t feel caught off guard. Plus, she’ll feel more comfortable coming to you with questions afterward. So, it's worth talking through the basics of why we have periods, how the menstrual cycle works and what they can expect before and during their periods.
When chatting about biology be sure to use the correct language so they can start to incorporate these new words into their vocabulary.
You could start by recognising the value of what she learned at school. For example, you might say:
“I’m so glad you had the chance to learn about periods at school today! I bet it’s helpful to know more about how your body works.”
After she’s heard the school chat, encourage her to share what she remembers or what she might have questions about.
You could give her a heads-up about what to expect and share how you manage your own periods, or even what your first period chat was like as a teen or pre-teen.
Let her know that the conversation about periods doesn’t end with one talk an that it's something she can ask you about anytime.
Your support and reassurance will help your daughter feel confident and prepared for this new stage in her life. By keeping the conversation light and open, you’re letting her know that periods are nothing to worry about—they’re just a normal part of growing up!
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Talking to your daughter about puberty can feel a little awkward and one of the first chats you will have will most likely be about first bras and breast development.
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Why Your Daughter Needs Pantyliners and PadsThis guide will help you talk to your daughter about periods in a way that’s understanding, supportive, and free of embarrassment for both of you.
A Dad's Guide To Helping Your Daughter Understand Periods
A period talk is a discussion guardians have with girls about what to expect when they start puberty and have their first period. Having a period talk with your daughter before puberty helps her to understand that periods are normal.
Discussing puberty and periods before your daughter’s first period is the best way to ensure she isn’t caught off guard, ashamed, or scared. In the era of social media, period talks are important to help make sure girls are prepared to manage their period hygienically and shame-free.
There really is no perfect time for a period talk, some girls are happy to chat about puberty and periods as young as 8, it really does depend on your child. If you know they are discussing periods in school then it's a great way to open up the chat at any age.
For a first period chat, have some pads and liners to hand so you can show your daughter what is available and how to place them in her underwear. You could even make up a period kit for her.