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What is
period equality
at work

Period equality means giving access to period products so that no one is disadvantaged by having their period at work. It acknowledges and respects the physical and emotional reality of menstruation, a natural process that's part of many employees' lives. Having period products available when employees need them helps to remove the stigma around periods and any possible discomfort.

Why providing free period care is important

The vast majority of women have experienced their period starting unexpectedly at work or when out and about. Not having easy access to the necessary products can impact employee wellbeing and productivity, with time wasted trying to find a solution.

To provide period products in workplaces is to provide the same respect to employees and guests who have periods, as employers already provide for everyone needing essentials like toilet paper and soap in bathrooms.

Spot the difference

Basic human need for
normal bodily function

- Needed by all people
- REASONABLY expected in public
and workplace bathrooms.

Basic human need for
normal bodily function

- Needed by menstruating people
- UNREASONABLE to expect in public
and workplace bathrooms?

Why Lil-Lets?

Here at Lil-Lets we've been passionate about everything to do with periods since 1954! With an emphasis on quality, care and choice, there's a selection of products suitable for everyone. We have a full range of products from Tampons and Pads in multiple absorbencies to Pantyliners and even sustainable period care. This range includes Organic Pads and Pantyliners, and Non-Applicator Tampons which are accredited by the Soil Association, plus our newly launched Lil-Lets Reusables Range which includes Menstrual Cups and a Reusable Tampon Applicator Kit.

We also offer a unique WhatsApp service, 24/7 consumer careline and dedicated customer support – so you can be sure we'll guide you every step of the way.

Sustainability Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality:
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Access to period products regardless of circumstance.

You're an employer. What Can You Do?

If you are looking to promote period equality in your workplace and want to provide your employees with the best possible selection of period products, then you've come to the right place. We are here to make it as easy as possible, helping you to understand how much product employees will need and how much it would cost you to provide it.

Simply fill in a few details on our enquiry form below, and we'll contact you to discuss the next steps to becoming a period equal employer.

Use the form below to find out how you
can become a period equal employer

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