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Lil-Lets Teens Booklet: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Teen

Here at Lil-Lets we want to help you move through the exciting and sometimes scary changes that come with growing up.

We’ve designed this handy booklet to make sure that you feel prepared and ready for being a teen. In it, we address the bodily and emotional changes that you may undergo as you become a young adult, as well as the products that will help to make this as comfortable and easy as possible.

Our goal is to offer you emotional support and provide handy tips on how to handle this life stage. Our periods and puberty booklet explores a range of topics.

Puberty and Your Feelings

Puberty, or the stage between childhood and adulthood, is natural and happens to all of us. During puberty, you’ll experience physical changes as well as emotional changes, and these sections of the booklet offer some realistic suggestions of what you may experience, and how to cope, both physically and emotionally.

Developing Breasts

It’s probably one of the first signs of puberty that you’ll notice, which is why this section is so important. It goes into detail about when you can expect to develop breasts and how they might be feeling in their beginning stages of growth.

Discharge, Periods and Knowing Your Flow

These three sections delve into your first period, discharge (the sticky, white/ clear substance that you might find on your underwear), menstruation, and what it means to know your flow and understand your period, which is totally unique, just like you!

Managing Your Period, Plus Period Facts

Periods may come with pain, as well as some mood changes, and because your emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical wellbeing, we make sure to delve into what kinds of emotions you might experience as you move through puberty.

We figured it’s vital that you understand how best to manage this, so that we can help you feel more comfortable all month long. We also provide some top period facts so that you can understand your body, and this time of the month a bit more.

Using Period Products for the First Time

Lil-Lets tampons and pads have been around for years, and they’ve been trusted by countless women for their performance, comfort and absorption. In these two sections we explain exactly what tampons and pads are, and how to use them. We also bust some myths around tampons, since these myths are harmful and help to spread misinformation about what is a really helpful and great period product you may very well

How to Have ‘The Chat’

You may want to chat about puberty with your parents or carers, and that’s totally okay. After all, it’s a time of change for you and having their support will help you manage with this stage of your life. This section in the teens booklet offers some tips on how to have this important conversation.

Choose What Works For You

Lil-Lets is all about choice and helping you choose what works for your body and preferences, especially when it comes to your period products. In this section, we go into a little more detail about the period products we offer so you’re in the know.

We have reusable products, such as our reusable applicator and menstrual cups if you are looking for more sustainable options. There is also our range of teens product range, specially designed to fit younger, smaller bodies.



Interested in learning more? Read the Lil-Lets Teens booklet.

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