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Free Teacher Training

We know teaching relationships and sex education (RSE) isn’t always easy, that’s why we’ve worked with young people’s charity Brook to create a free, interactive platform to help you deliver effective and engaging lessons to your students.

Who are Brook and why are they the experts?

Brook is a leading young people’s sexual health and wellbeing charity, providing support to those in need. Brook have a fantastic online e-learning platform called ‘Brook Learn’. Every course featured on the site has been developed by Brook experts, drawing on over 55 years of experience in supporting young people with their sexual health and wellbeing. The course structure for each learning topic is broken down into interactive modules with clear learning aims & outcomes. The first part of each module is named ‘Learn It’ and equips professionals with the core knowledge and understanding, with the second part of the module named ‘Teach It’, giving ideas on how to approach the topic with young people.

Brook Branding

Brook and Lil-Lets Partnership

As part of the continued relationship Lil-Lets have with Brook, we are determined to provide accurate & engaging education around puberty, menstruation, managing periods, challenging stigma, and empowering young people to know their own bodies. We know that educating all genders about their bodies with high quality, reliable, and accurate information helps them to navigate puberty with confidence and reduces harmful taboos. In addition to this, by educating professionals who in turn educate young people, we hope to put a stop to the stigma that is often a contributing factor to period poverty.

Further to this, in line with the new government guidelines, all young people should learn about menstruation and menstrual wellbeing as part of the curriculum. To help schools, and those working in classrooms, to deliver great relationship education and RSE lessons, we have teamed up with Brook to add to their extensive portfolio of e-learning courses, crafting a free e-learning course on puberty, covering the following:

  • Body changes
  • Reproduction & periods
  • Emotional and mental health
  • Developing sexual feelings

The course provides a comprehensive guide to puberty and the body, including reproduction, physical and emotional changes as well as emerging sexual identities. This free training aims to equip professionals with the skills and confidence to deliver quality puberty information to young people, as part of wider relationships and sex education.

The free e-learning course can be accessed through Brook’s e-learning page. Register now to start your e-learning journey and make the most of these fantastic free school resources.

Register for free now

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