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How To Prepare For Your First Period & What Products Should You Use?

There’s a lot to get your head around when it comes to periods, we know!  So here's our ultimate guide to managing your flow, now your period has arrived!

As infuriating as they are, periods do have an important role in developing your body as you grow older. 

And yet, once you’ve started your periods, it’s almost like you’re expected to know everything and about what products are best suited to your period...But how?

Buy the period products you need!

Depending on how old you are when you get your first period, you may want to start using period pads at first and in the day you may need to change your pad every 3-5 hours, so finding the right pad for you is important!

You may even want to purchase a period kit, to keep with you when out and about and the Lil-Lets Starter Pack has everything you’d need for your first period and has been designed with your body in mind.

Ask your parent, or the person who cares for you to buy you one and talk you through how and when to use the different items.

Some period kits come with tampons already inside and as you get older, and more comfortable with using different products and understand your flow, you may like to give them a try.

Know your menstrual flow

Here’s the thing. Your period is going to be around for quite a few years and whilst you might not be the best of friends just yet, with a little time, you can get to grips with monthly menstruation

My First Period
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How will I know what period products I need?

Now it may take a while for your body to settle into its natural rhythm but taking note of the amount of blood loss you experience each month can help you identify your flow so you can pick the right period products and are always be prepared.

Remember your flow can change from day to day and it can take 2-3 cycles until you start to notice a pattern…for some even longer.

The best way to get to grips with your flow is to look at your period pads when on your period. Here’s how you can track your flow:

How much blood will I release each day of my period?

Light Flow

You may only need to change your pad or tampon every 6-8 hours, and there is very little blood on the pad. You may even find you only need to use pantyliners on your lighter flow days.

Medium Flow

You change your pad or tampon, every 4-6 hours and there is moderate amount of blood covering around half of the pad.

Heavy Flow

Soaking through a pad or tampon in 1-2 hours, possibly noticing blood clots too (don’t worry these are normal for heavy periods and as long as they are no bigger than a 10p you have no reason to be concerned)

What colour is your period?

Light pink or brownish blood – is generally a lighter flow.

Bright red – is often called a moderate flow or is fresh blood being produced.

Dark red or clots – this is usually a sign you have a heavier flow.

Remember that a change in colour does not automatically mean there is a problem, our period flows are unique to each of us and the colour will often change throughout your period.


Full Cycle

Get counting!

Counting the days of your period is a great way to understand what products you may need on each day.

Everyone’s period is different but over time you may find that the first couple of days are light to medium in their flow. Moving up to heavy for the middle of your period. And for the last couple of days, you may find you only notice a few spots on your pad or pantyliner as your period comes to an end.

Choosing the right period products based on your flow

Now you've worked out your flow you may want to check out what products are available to you, and there is quite a choice!

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Pads & Pantyliners

Designed to be worn outside the body.

Lil-Lets Teens Day Pads with Wings Lil-Lets Teens Pantyliners
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Worn inside the body for greater protection from leaks and to reduce odour and are perfect for swimming.

We always advise wearing pads for the first few periods you have, so you can get used to your flow and menstrual cycle.

When you do feel ready to use tampons, the great news is that you will have plenty of choice.

  • Light Flow - Lite & Regular absorbencies.
  • Medium Flow - Regular & Super absorbencies
  • Heavy Flow - Super & Super Plus absorbencies
  • Very Heavy Flow - Super Plus Extra absorbency tampons.

Lil-Lets SmartFit™ Non-Applicator Lite Tampons Lil-Lets SmartFit™ Non-Applicator Regular Tampons
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Menstrual Cups

Worn inside the body and can be reused time and time again.

  • Great for all flows.
  • Can be worn for up to 8 hours.
  • Perfect for swimming.

Lil-Lets Menstrual Cup Size 1

Period Underwear

  • ideal for light to medium days, or as a back-up to your pads and tampons on very heavy days. 
  • Can be reused if washed with care.

Whether you choose to use just one type of period product, or mix and match based on your flow, activity, or comfort. It’s all about what works best for you!

Check out our Lil-Lets Teens Range, designed just for you!

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