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Lil-Lets Partners With Charity Beauty Banks

Here at Lil-Lets we believe in period equality, which means all people should have access to sanitary products, regardless of their circumstances. To support those with limited access to period products we have been making charitable donations to local charities in and around Birmingham for many years, however, we wanted to go one step further.

We are thrilled to announce that we have recently partnered with Beauty Banks, a charity that exists to end hygiene poverty and provide hygiene products to people across the UK. They do this via donations to registered charities such as foodbanks, domestic abuse charities, refuge and homeless facilities. Lil-Lets are and will be working with Beauty Banks going forward to make period products more accessible to those that face hygiene & period poverty across the UK.


To kickstart our partnership, the Lil-Lets team held a volunteering day on the 30th November. The Lil-Lets staff volunteered at Beauty Banks drop off points and hand delivered period products to those in need. Over 1,500 packs of period products were delivered around the Birmingham and Manchester areas, with a further 8,500 packs to be donated to Beauty Bank hubs in the coming months. The Lil-Lets team will continue to hold volunteering days throughout 2022, continuing our support for this fantastic charity.

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Sali Hughes, Co-Founder of Beauty Banks, stated: “As a charity that is committed to bringing change in the landscape of hygiene poverty, we are grateful for Lil-Lets local community distribution support and generous donation. Beauty Banks relies on the kindness of businesses, brands and like-minded people to keep our running costs low and therefore our impact as meaningful as possible.”

Lil-Lets purpose is to make a real difference to the lives of people with periods through education, innovation, and care. We believe now more than as ever that brands have a social and environmental responsibility and in order to live our values, we want to do better, now and in the future. The brilliant work that Beauty Banks do to remove barriers to hygiene access is something that resonates with our vision, and we are proud to be partnering with them. We will continue to grow our partnership to ensure we tackle the issue of hygiene & period poverty across the UK in the best possible way.

Additionally, Lil-Lets community giving initiatives will continue, including donating period and maternity products to schools, charities and hospitals in the Midlands. These initiatives include donating to the likes of Baby Basics, Baby Aid, Birmingham Airport (for Afghan refugees), Birmingham and Liverpool hospitals - plus food banks across the UK.

If you’d like to nominate a charity for us to work with, please contact consumerrelations@lil-lets.com.

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