Written by Lara Taylor
Registered Midwife Bsc Hons
My name is Lara Taylor, a practising Midwife with 11 years experience in the NHS, working within
Private practice since 2021. I have a wealth of experience in all areas of Midwifery, supporting women
through pregnancy, birth, post birth and the transition to parenthood. During my career I have developed
specialist knowledge in Pregnancy loss, Teenage pregnancy, Safeguarding, Mental Health, Fertility and
baby brain development.
I’m also a Mother of 3 boys with 29 years of parenting experience. Most definitely my most fulfilling, exciting
and rewarding role in life so far.
I have always loved to learn and increase my knowledge. I love to read, listen to podcasts and research the most
up to date evidence based information, with a purpose of sharing all I discover.
I believe knowledge is definitely power!
I’ve always had a need and a deep passion to help
change things for the better, to help improve care
pathways and outcomes in Maternity services.
This is why I love to mentor and educate fellow
Midwives and health professionals.
Education for me is the foundation, especially for
the women, birthing people and families in my care.
A deeper knowledge about ourselves and our body’s
capabilities is the first step to empowerment. Self
belief in our own physical and psychological abilities
will give us the confidence to speak out and be
heard…whether that’s during pregnancy, birth or
generally in life
I’ve been inspired over the years by the Midwives
I’ve worked alongside and by those i’ve cared for
and supported. By the strength, courage and
resilience they show in the good times as well as
the bad. That’s what drives me to always be the
best I can be.
I believe my role as a Midwife is where I hold the capabilities and power to support change
in a womans world. So that’s my purpose…to help change lives for the better through education,
care and support.
Working alongside LIL-LETS is such a privilege! The Hub is a great opportunity to share my
knowledge and experience, educating and supporting on a much larger scale during one of
the most challenging times in life
Bachelor of Science Degree in Midwifery (2012)
Specialist Midwife Teenage Pregnancy
Safeguarding Midwife and Trainer
Bereavement Midwife
Community Midwife
Birth centre Midwife
Postnatal care Midwife
Qualified Parent Education facilitator
Breastfeeding support Midwife
Mental Heath first aid instructor
Skincare specialist
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