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Who are we?

Lil-Lets is there for you, for every one of life's periods. We believe that you should be able to choose what works for you, and that education is key to understanding your body so that you can make the right period product choices for you.




We care about:


Sustainable Periods

Caring for the environment

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giving back

Giving Back

Making a difference

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The Workplace

Dignity for all workers

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school resources

School Resources

Knowledge is power

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product transparency

Product Transparency

What's in our products?

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usage instructions

Product Usage

How to use our products?

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Born from a mission to find the perfect fit

To explain where we are today, we have to rewind a little, back to the 1950s, in fact.

In 1954 gynaecologist Dr. Judith Esser-Mittag was the first woman to design a tampon. Her careful research and innovative thinking created a tampon designed to fit the female anatomy perfectly. Her revolutionary widthways expanding design remains the hallmark of Lil-Lets tampons.

Since then, we've been passionate about understanding women's* bodies better and have listened and learnt from you. We go through so many changes in our lives, from first periods through to menopause.

Every body is unique

It's amazing what our bodies can do. We know that one size doesn't fit all, which is why our wide range of product are designed to fit your individual intimate care needs, life choices and life stages.

We've put 60 years of knowledge into our product designs, but that means nothing unless we help you understand your body needs better. That's why we think education and expert advice is fundamental in helping you navigate every one of life's periods, comfortably and confidently, so you can choose what works for you.

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Lil-Lets Blog Hub

From first periods to menopause, search our Lil-Lets Blog Hub for answers to any of your questions.

When you understand more about your body, the easier it is to make empowered choices about what works for you.

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Caring for the community

Committed to the well-being and support of communities, we proudly stand beside our charitable partners. Through collaboration with these incredible charities, Lil-Lets is committed to promoting overall wellness by ensuring accessibility to essential products and education. Our commitment extends beyond the focus on period equality, emphasizing a holistic approach to well-being and empowerment. By fostering a sense of community and understanding, our goal is to create a meaningful impact through support.

*Across our website we use words like 'women', 'girl', and 'female' but we believe language shouldn't be a barrier and we understand that periods aren't just for women and that not all women have periods. We want to enable people to be themselves and to choose what works for them. We believe everyone who experiences menstruation has a right to the products and information they need, without shame or stigma.

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