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Welcome to Lil-Lets Blogs, a hub for informed learning, understanding & support

At Lil-Lets, we firmly believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our blog page has been crafted to provide you with the information, you need to understand your body and the changes you may go through, allowing you to make empowered choices about what works for you, at every stage of life.

In the journey of demystifying myths and tackling taboos, we recognize the strength in shared experiences. Our commitment to inclusive representation is at the forefront, and we understand that diverse perspectives play a crucial role in challenging misconceptions. Lil-Lets is a space for everyone who experiences menstruation, fostering a community that thrives on understanding and support.

What would you like to know?

Top Read Articles

Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) – During and After Pregnancy

Written by Lara Taylor, Specialist Midwife

Mental health in pregnancy is known as Perinatal mental health, you may never have heard of it, or known anyone who has suffered with it, but it’s so important to understand what to look out for and when to ask for help.

How will I know I’m in labour?

Written by Lara Taylor, Specialist Midwife

We all know the term labour I’m sure: the active process of delivering a baby, and I’m pretty certain now you’re pregnant you’ve heard lots of labour and birth stories, maybe some being more unsettling for you than reassuring!

Breast Development

Boobs and bras can be areas of great confusion and anxiety as you go through puberty. Join Lil-Lets as we talk about breast development and your body's natural changes.

Your First Bra & Measuring For The Perfect Fit

One of the biggest decisions you make as a teenager is when to buy your first bra. If you’ve noticed your breasts feel tender, move about when you're active or your nipples start to show through your clothes, then it might be time for your first bra.

Let’s Talk About Periods

The idea of talking to your mum, dad or even friends about periods can feel pretty awkward. But trust us, once you’ve had the chat you will feel so much better.

My First Period

We know you have lots of questions about your first period. Join us as we share some tips and advice for managing your first period with confidence.

How To Prepare For Your First Period

Find out how to prepare for your period, with a little help from Lil-Lets. Your first period can be overwhelming, so read on to find out how to manage it.

Pads vs Liners

Confused about whether you need a pad or a liner, we've got the lowdown on what product best suits your needs.

Period Tips for School

Periods At School... How To Be Prepared!